Oct 8, 2010

Nice idea

This morning, I hit a good idea for breakfast. Every time I go to the dining restaurant to eat breakfast, they are serving hamburger, sandwiches....so oily food. Today, I made rice by rice-cooker, and bring it to the restaurant. I ordered only omlet with bacon. the omlet was not bad, then rice is of-course nice. This can be nice for me. I can eat this pattern every day.

Another nice thing is that I can be a model of native speaker of Japanese in the class of the linguistics class. We are now studying the phonetics, the science of the sound of the language. We analyze the pattern or rule of the sound of each language. Speaking of the Japanese sound, I was asked to pronounce Japanese in front of everyone... fun...

After class, I went to the swimming. I haven't worked out for a while. I need to do that as often as possible.

Today's lunchner (lunch+dinner) was Yakisoba. So nice.

This weekend, I am going to travel to Mexico....
I hope to be safe and I'm looking forward to go beyond the "border"

1 comment:

  1. みんなの前で関西弁しゃべったらあかんでwww
