Oct 29, 2010



Finally I have finished the crazy writing assignment before due, safely.
I was gonna be crazy, because I have read about El Salvador more than 10 hours in a day for a week. American University assigns us reading and writing a lot, as I heard. I want to do something happy for me as a reward.

Tomorrow, it is gonna be Halloween. But for me, a Japanese, that is not understandable what is special in Halloween. Everyone says, "I can't wait!" or "I am so looking forward to Halloween!"
Is it so fun? I have no idea. One of my room mate is going to Santa Barbara for Halloween party. He says, there is famous crazy party in Santa Barbara. Everyone is coming to SB from anywhere else. He invited me, but I refused...sorry. That is because I can't imagine, what is so fun just to go to the UCSB and drink, and have a party? There seems nothing special. We can have a party here, San Diego. But he is going to stay two nights at Santa Barbara......uh...

Anyway, I like drinking, but I don't like crazy.
               I like drunk, but I don't like crazy.

good night


  1. 日本では東京ディズニーランドのハロウィンイベントが盛り上がっているようです・・・

  2. Disney land.... I wanna go...www

    yeah, I still cannot understand what is special/// anyway, that is good for me, because everyone went out to Santa Barbara so that my apartment is very quiet...
