Oct 11, 2010


This Saturday, I went to Mexico with my room-mate!
As you know, San Diego is very close to Mexico. From downtown San Diego, it takes less than one hour to Tijuana (Mexico)

Everything was new to me. Especially seeing the border was fun! (Japan does not have border line...) Interestingly, From the US to Mexico, it is pretty much easy to enter, but on the other hand, From Mexico to the US, it takes so much time including security check or passport check.

I felt the difference of power between these two countries. I'm serious. Entering the Mexico was a kind of entering the supermarket. lol Just going through the gate. But when we come back to the States, we stood in line for two hours.....

Anyway, I got the meaning "Mexico is more or less dangerous place." (http://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/info/info4.asp?id=264)

 Every street is full of poor people and desolated. Many of the shops are very silent and sell a lot of imitation like copy of brand goods or animation character goods. Shop keepers try to ask me to buy the goods as soon as they see my face. The funniest thing is that they try to use Japanese. "Konichiwa, yasuiyo,  chotodake, choto dake, ne, onega-i, harakiri pura-isu yo" So funny, especially "Harakiri praisu " Where did they learn such a word...

So eventually there was nothing attractive or exciting for us. We just hung around the street. But actually there are so many beggars. I found we are so lucky people. In this world there are a lot of area where people cannot afford to buy something to eat.

Plus, Mexican people cannot speak English at all. That is very natural things, but Mexico is very close to the US, just beyond the border. But they don't and cannot speak English.. Interesting.

Maybe I will never be Mexico again, because there is nothing to have fun, and second, I can easily understand this place must be dangerous when it gets dark. I can feel such an atmosphere in the town...Scary...


  1. メキシコって15年前と30年前に大規模な経済危機の震源になった国。まだそのショックをひきずってるのかもしれない

  2. Really? I didn't know that. I hope Japan will not be like that...
