Oct 24, 2010

crab and club

Last night I went to the crab hut, the restaurant which serves sea-food. That was nice because I have wanted to have good and lots of sea-food since I came here. But the restaurant was so wild. I have never seen such a wild restaurant. I mean, everyone sets gloves (like gloves for surgery operation lol not kidding) and table cross and there is no plate. We eat sea-food on the table by hands with gloves. Wow. I have been to the crab restaurant a few times in Japan, but that was more clean and neat...not this wild.

But the taste was good! That is OK.

After that, I went to the club.

That was the first time for me to go to such a place. (Did you guys go to Roppongi or something? I never..)

In short, that was not fun for me who do not have a partner. lol
Club is the place, as you can imagine, drink alcohols and dance with disco music all-night. That was fun, nor boring. But All of the couples (boys and girls) looked pretty much having fun than us. They danced together and the boys drove girls sexually..

I got so tired, because I got out the club at 2am.

Maybe I will never go to the club without a (future) girl friend...lol

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