Oct 18, 2010

Sunday supper

Today we had an event in my dormitory, called "Sunday supper". That is a kind of "semi-formal" dinner. We're just dressed up, and we have dinner together at the great hall. I also wear recruit suits. But it cost $25..(EXPENSIVE)

That was fun, but that was usual dinner. Nothing special happened. Moreover, the most disappointing thing is that the food was so bad, terrible. I can't believe why the food was so bad. Worse than usual 'bad' food in our dining restaurant. Not bad, but worse. The worst. Why did I pay $25 such a bad food. This is a kind of fraud.

Anyway, after this, we went out to eat something to make up. lol

My friends took me to the Japanese Izakaya near campus.
That was so Japanese! Inside the restaurant all of the things are Japanese.
The waiter and cook was Japanese, and the many of the customers are Japanese.
They speak Japanese. The waitress has speaks Japanese accent English.

I ate ramen. That was very normal ramen. But that was so nice. I also had yakitori. Maybe I cannot hate Japanese food ever since now and from now on.

Nowdays one of my friends (he is an official UCSD student) say to me, "Girls in UCSD is ugly, so maybe your standard of judging looking of the girls will go down. Your judge will become so loose while you are here."

As he says, it seems like that my standard is becoming loose...lol

So what? don't ask me anymore.

Anyway, what I strongly thought today was that why many Asian girls already have boyfriends.

 nice spelling


  1. 肌黒くなってね?ww 焼けた?wwww

  2. wwww

    right, maybe when I went to the Mexico, I just got too much sunburn...and then,,,
