Oct 6, 2010


ah, I couldn't write the diary last night. I had so many assignments... Starting week 2, all the classes seem to be getting harder.. I have to catch up with them.

I tried the spaghettie with shrimp. That was so nice. Every time I cook and eat, I become so happy. On the other hand, even if I am hungry, every time I eat the dinner at dining restaurant on campus, I regret. Yesterday, I went to the dining restaurant for the breakfast, but there was nothing! There was just burger...oily burger. No salad, no fruit...

At night I went to see the volleyball club practice. I thought it seems that I can play among them, I would join them. As soon as I saw them I changed my mind. lol

They are too strong. Crazy. Many of them (maybe except for Libero) are taller and powerful than me. Their spike were....bomb...lol  That reminded me of Team "Narashino" in Chiba..when I was a high school. But of-course "Narashino" is still stronger. "Narashino" is the craziest team I have ever seen, even if they couldn't become national champion. It's a little bit difficult to explain, but they have a kind of aura of "dream-team". So was "Ichifuna". I love both teams.

Anyway, I wanted to play volleyball, I gave up.haha

But, I want to join some groups or org.! I failed the audition of a cappera, and I gave up joining the volleyball club. What should I do?


Should I make use of this time to study pretty much hard???


  1. アメリカに行く前は「もう部活はやりません・・・」って言ってたじゃないか!ww

  2. Hahaha. You are right!! Exactly! Thank you very much. Yes. Maybe if I do not give up looking for another club here, I will make the same mistakes and I will regret...

    So... I will not join any club. hahaha. Yeah, exactly I said, "I will not join any club anymore." lol.

    And, I found the class I am taking was so hard today...
