Oct 15, 2010

The fantastic celebration

Yesterday was my birthday, that was so fantastic birthday.

First, my friends took me to the Japanese supermarket Mitsuwa. That was so amazing!! I can buy "real Japanese food" I have missed Japanese food so much since I came here and yesterday was my birthday, so I bought many foods ! I bought Sashimi and Umesyu for my celebration by myself.lol I also wanted to buy Japanese books including comics, but I gave up buying, because it was so expensive. Because of the shipping fare, the total price is twice as expensive as original one. That was so stupid! When I pay, the shopkeeper asked me, "Show some ID" (because I tried to buy alcohol. The U.S is so strict) and I showed my passport to her. Then she found, "Oh, today is your birthday! Exactly you became 21!! Wow, Happy birthday!!" I was celebrated by the shopkeeper. lol So happy.

And then Mitsuwa has "Santouka" ramen shop !!! That is so surprising, isn't it?? (Guys, of course you know this shop, right?) Amazing! of course i ordered Ramen, it has been a while since I ate Ramen last time. America doesn't have "Ramen" Ramen is exactly Japanese culture. To be honest, I wanted to eat "Naritake"... but that's not possible. (no, if anything super miracle happen, Naritake could be in the U.S. .... lol)

Taste was nice as I imagined. So good.

At night, I was invited to "Martini cocktail party"

One of my friends made cocktail. He used a lot of types of alcohol. That tasted so nice. 
and it seemed kind of "rich" and "bourgeois".

So far so good.


Soon after everyone knew that I was birthday boys, they gave me so much alcohols including vodka.
Unluckily, there was no "weak" alcohol like beer, because we just try to make cocktail. So I drank so many kinds of strong alcohol. So was everyone..

As you can imagine,

We became crazy! It has been a while that I became so drunk.

We rolled over the street, shout something, or whatever..

I hardly remember last night... but from the picture, I can imagine, we were so crazy.
That is ok, that was fun,,,

Even if I drank so much last night, I don't feel any hangover. Oh my super liver.

Something wrong happens and I cannot upload the picture. So i will upload them next time as an appendix


  1. なりたけおととい食べたぜww

  2. Really !!? I envy you! I recognized that ramen was so nice food ever. Yeah, Naritake should come to the States.
