Oct 14, 2010

Forever 21

Thank you very much everyone. I finally became 21 years old. What will be changed in myself? What am I going to be? What will I be able to do? What kind of career will I choice for the future? What kind of person will be my....partner (it may or may not happen lol) I don't know all of these question! This means I still can have lots of choice and decision for the future. (I hope) Recalling this one year since mty last birthday when I became 20, I had so many good experience. I also got the shocking news including that some of my friends started to work! Yeah, it passed about 6 years since the graduation of junior high, and 3 years since the graduation of high school. Now I strongly feel that connection with people including family, friends or whatever is precious and important. I want to keep it forever.

Actually, last year, I went to the "sky garden" of roppongi hills (do you know?), I mean, the top of the roppongi hills, and shout to the sky "I'll do it!" (in Japanese) on my birthday. I know you felt it so crazy. So was other people around me at the sky garden.lol But I don't care.lol From that time, I decided to do something crazy every on my 20s birthdays. I was thinking about it last time, and I decided to shout out, "I'll do it"(again) at the La Jolla beach seeing the beautiful sunset. I also decided this crazy event for my 20s birthdays precisely. That is, "Shouting 'I'll do it!" at the place you can have nice view or scenely." Last time, I did it seeing all of the beautiful awesomeTokyo skyscrapers. This time I will have nice sunset view.
But unluckily today it is cloudly,,, so maybe I will have tomorrow or whatever...

At the same time I was thinking about my future. What will I do? I have several choice as my career.

1. An English teacher in high school. I should mention, I want to teach general academic things and my major interests (linguistics or bilingual education problems) more than teach English skills. I want my (future) students to be able to think this world critically. For example, I don't want them to learn English without thinking anything. I really want them to think, "Why do we have to learn English? Is English necessary in this world? If so, why does it happen? " something like that... I want them to find that it is so interesting to study.

2. Researcher (university professor) The reason is the same as above. I want the society or university to think what is going on in this world critically and what is the right thing to do (this is from Michael Sandel...  lol).

3. Jounalist The reason is the same above

4. NPO or NGO.... This choice is newcomer. I don't know them well. I have to search about it carefully. But one of my friends said to me, "You can have NGO or NPO choice."

uh... what is going to happen to my life? Depending on the choice, my way of life will change. I might start to work as soon as i graduate, or I might go to Grad school.

The only thing I can say now is that I will make use of this great opportunity the most and study hard for this study abroad life. Study hard.

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