Oct 3, 2010


Today, in the morning I took two auditions for chorus groups. I think I did my best. The only thing I can do is to just pray..  I wonder if I can sing on the stage..

After that,  I studied and did my homework in the library. Why do I have so many reading assignment? I was assigned more than 100 pages in a week. I can't do it. It seems like that everyone doesn't do it...lol

At dinner, I found very good taste Asian restaurant in the student center. That is very good news. I can eat food there every time from now on...

At night, I went to see the UCSD women's volleyball game. That was excited! But I thought Japanese university women's volleyball is stronger.. haha. Seeing the game reminded me of my high school days. That was the most important, precious, excited, and passionate time in my life even in now. (I felt a little bit nostalgic... Any good memories cannot be better than High school day's memory.)

Speaking of high school days, have you guys read "Issyunn no kaze ni nare " by Takako Sato

I read it now. lol (I check out this book from the library)

This is so exciting and very realistic! I'm sure that it reminds us of our high school days..
You should read it!

Finally, I recognized that I like volleyball the best ever withing any sports.


  1. アメリカ人のスポーツマンって体格いいな・・・ww


  2. Yeah, I think so. Maybe.. the TV drama version of "Issyun no kaze ni nare" was on air two or three years ago,,.
