Oct 7, 2010


Today I handed in first writing assignment to the class. I am a little bit worry about it. In Sophia University, everyone is not native speakers of English. Then the professor of the department of English who reads our assignments can find many grammatical mistakes in every student's papers and forgive some mistakes. But that does not happen in my class. The name of the class is "The history and the theory of bilingual education" and consists of one foreigner (me) and American students from CA. Unfortunately or fortunately, there is not any other international students than me. To be honest, I am a little nervous when I hand in my paper or do the discussion. I don't want to bother everyone. I have to encourage myself to pursue to this class even if I feel severe. In Japan I was heard again and again, "Never mind mistakes. Don't be afraid of making mistakes." (So were you?) This is true. I am really feeling that this is true. Even if I can't speak sophisticated English, I don't have to be disappointed. I can communicate more or less.

But at the same time, nowadays I am a little bit frustrated. That is because even if I like the contents of the class, I cannot be very active in discussion or debate in the class. If I were in Japanese university, I could speak pretty much the more than anyone in the class and give a lot of opinion. But  I cannot do that now.

My major interest is bilingual education, which is how we acquire languages or what is the best way for minority students who are not good at target language (in many case, English) of living or surviving in foreign countries (in many case, the United States).

I am now experiencing exactly the minority life.
Indeed language barriers is so big when we study in other communities.

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